Scott Morrissey

Scott Morrissey
Denver International Airport
Scott Morrissey is the Senior Vice President of Sustainability at Denver International Airport, which is the 3rd busiest airport in the Unites States with almost 78 million passengers in 2023. He is responsible for developing systems, projects, and programs that support DEN’s goal to be one of the most sustainable airports in the world. He has worked in the sustainability field for almost 20 years, with previous roles in the Denver Mayor’s Office and the State of Colorado’s Energy Office.
All Sessions by Scott Morrissey
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Reporting – Losing the Acronym, Improving the Result
ESG reporting is going through a much-needed re-examination in light of the necessity to show real and quantifiable progress in the area of energy performance and carbon emission reductions. This panel will abandon the hyperbole and politics of ESG terminology and focus a conversation on successful reporting metrics for building performance.