9:00 am - 10:00 am

Accelerating the Pace of Deployment: The Road to Making Buildings Smart, Efficient & Carbon Free

The current pace of retrofitting commercial and institutional buildings across the United States is on a 300-year timeline. Almost no one believes that is acceptable. If the technology exists – and the Smart Buildings Exchange sessions that follow demonstrate this – and the financing of projects is increasingly accessible with Inflation Reduction Act and carbon market funds starting to flow, then why isn’t our pace of deployment faster? This moderated panel discussion brings together public and private sector senior leaders to describe how they challenged their organizations to move now on projects that made their infrastructure smarter and more efficient with lower carbon emissions. Is organizational leadership from the very top the key to solving the 300-year problem? Get motivated by this session to experience the technology and practice ideas for the three days of SBX 2023.

Emeka Anyanwu Emeka Anyanwu Seattle City Light
Sarah King Sarah King Kilroy Realty
Lou Cariello Lou Cariello University of Washington
Jon Creyts Jon Creyts RMI
Ash Awad Ash Awad McKinstry
10:00 am - 10:30 am

Sponsor Breakout Rooms (virtual)

Conference sponsors will be available for informal discussion in separate breakout rooms. You can ask questions, get information, and introduce yourself to key team members.

10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings

Continued progress toward the electrification of the built environment creates both a massive challenge and an opportunity for eliminating carbon emissions. The challenge of new loads from electrification on the utility system requires enhanced abilities for shifting, shedding, and modulating those loads to the mutual benefit of the building owner and serving utility. The effort to scale grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) is well underway. What are the risks to all parties in getting this wrong? This session will bring together voices from the nation’s leading national laboratory on GEBs with building owners and service providers who are deploying GEBs strategies in commercial and institutional buildings across the country.

Rich Brown Rich Brown Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jingjing Liu Jingjing Liu Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Scott Spielman Scott Spielman Ecotope
David Logsdon David Logsdon Seattle City Light
Courtney Blodgett Courtney Blodgett Edo
Tanya Barham Tanya Barham Community Energy Labs
10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Data in Context

Almost all buildings have the capability to generate volumes of operational data and many also deploy fault detection technology to alert operators of problems. Unfortunately, too often there isn’t sufficient context for that fault to properly diagnosis causation or what solutions to deploy to fix it. This condition can be particularly problematic for building owners and managers that don’t have the in-house expertise often found at enterprise scale entities. For these managers, the challenge is to find the right resources to put their operational data into context and do so affordably. This session will explore examples of how to put affordable solutions in place to properly put data in context.

Jason Hyatt Jason Hyatt Puget Sound Energy
Josh Felperin Josh Felperin alpscontrols.com
Reed Powell Reed Powell MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions
Pete Segall Pete Segall ATS Automation
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Being Smart About Variable Occupancy

Whether you are in Seattle, Austin, Boston, or Philadelphia the hybrid work environment is the new normal. While building occupancy rates vary by location – and certainly by day of the week – the challenge of efficiently lighting, heating, cooling, and ventilating space is increasingly complicated. Should a building with 45% occupancy consume the same resources as one that previously had an 80% occupancy rate? Should this rekindle the concept of EUI per occupant versus EUI per SF as a metric? This session will explore the complexities of variable occupancy rates and how smart technology and practices can help building owners and operators manage resources and consistently meet health and comfort standards of their occupants.

Zixiao Pan Zixiao Pan Butlr
Jay Martin Jay Martin Overcast Innovations
Cindy Zhu Cindy Zhu Prescriptive Data
Craig Engelbrecht Craig Engelbrecht LONG Building Technologies
Tom Marseille Tom Marseille Sazan Group
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Moving Beyond Fault Detection & Diagnostics

Fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) is now rather commonplace across commercial and institutional buildings working to identify abnormal operations of HVAC systems. Where do building managers and operators go from here? This session will offer a stimulating look at the next steps in technology and practice to improve building system performance and longevity. Panelists will detail their work demonstrating how FDD output can be utilized to create data driven maintenance tools that can automatically correct controls hunting faults. The panel will also cover new tools that enable AI technology for autonomous building operations. In addition, this panel will highlight expertise at applying augmented intelligence for performance at both the building and campus scale. Finally, the group will look at developments in ASHRAE Guideline 36, the best practice for high performance sequence of operations. This session is a must for anyone faced with the daily challenge of making building systems work well.

Narjes Abbasabadi Narjes Abbasabadi University of Washington
Joe Zhou Joe Zhou Slipstream
Jessica Granderson Jessica Granderson Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Troy Harvey Troy Harvey PassiveLogic
Jeremy Richmond Jeremy Richmond MSIe
9:00 am - 10:30 am

Smart Approaches for Building Electrification & Carbon Reduction

This session will explore both new construction and retrofit examples of buildings that embraced electrification and eliminated carbon emissions. Deploying smart technologies is not an end but a means – along with a set of strategic design and equipment selection choices – to reduce a building’s carbon footprint and provide a compelling return on investment for the building owner. Whether you are involved in a new building project or trying to find the best path for your existing building, this session will help you thread the needle of smart solutions with a solid business case behind them.

McGee Young McGee Young WattCarbon
Poppy Storm Poppy Storm 2050 Institute
David Nemtzow David Nemtzow U.S. Department of Energy
Alexi Miller Alexi Miller New Buildings Institute
Brett Bridgeland Brett Bridgeland RMI
10:30 am - 11:00 am

Sponsor Breakout Rooms (virtual)

Conference sponsors will be available for informal discussion in separate breakout rooms. You can ask questions, get information, and introduce yourself to key team members.

11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Independent Data Layer – A Path Toward Interoperability

The multiplicity of building systems and use cases has bedeviled building managers and operators for years – most acutely in the inability to have effective data sharing between them. Solutions ranging from open-source protocols to standard nomenclatures have meant progress, but a permanent fix to interoperability has remained elusive. This session will explore the idea of an “independent data layer” (aka a data lake or data aggregation layer) and how the creation of this middle layer between systems and application layer can unlock huge benefit for the building and industry providers who embrace the idea.

Sabine Lam Sabine Lam Google
Thano Lambrinos Thano Lambrinos QuadReal
Trevor Sodoroff Trevor Sodoroff MSIe
James Dice James Dice Nexus Labs
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Building Rating Systems & Certifications

Several national and international organizations now offer ratings and certifications for the built environment. These systems focus on smart capabilities, wellness, sustainability, energy performance, indoor environmental quality, and even workforce credentialing. If you have wondered whether these systems are the right for your building, this is a session you won’t want to miss. Experts will discuss various ratings and certifications, what they entail, and most importantly how the market is embracing these labels.

Christina Tomaselli Christina Tomaselli Schneider Electric
Elyse Hobson Elyse Hobson UL Solutions
Katrina Morgan Katrina Morgan O’Brien360
Alissa Feucht Alissa Feucht Glumac
Melanie Danuser Melanie Danuser Smart Buildings Center
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

On-Site Renewables & EV Charging

Buildings are changing as they meet the challenge of net zero carbon emissions. Some buildings are positioned to deploy solar arrays and most buildings are and will be adapting to a vehicle fleet that is increasingly electric – and needing to be charged while parked. This session will explore case studies of building owners who are embracing these changes and how smart technologies are helping them with the transition including the huge challenge of integrating EV charging and what it means for electrical service size for electrical and grid-interactive capabilities.

Chris Watson Chris Watson ICF
Gary Shaver Gary Shaver Envelon Corporation
Andy Zellers Andy Zellers Influent Energy
Leroy Ho Leroy Ho Amazon
Heather Mulligan Heather Mulligan Puget Sound Energy
Emma Johnson Emma Johnson Seattle City Light
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Indoor Environmental Quality

While the Covid pandemic certainly shined a bright light on the importance of healthy indoor environments, creating and maintaining indoor environmental quality has a pre-Covid history and a post-Covid challenge. The ROI of health and comfort conditions is expressed in employee recruitment, retention, and productivity. This session will explore the lessons learned from this reinvigorated focus on healthy indoor air and technologies that were deployed during the pandemic and their measured or perceived benefits.

Vivian Loftness Vivian Loftness Carnegie Mellon University
Seema Bhangar Seema Bhangar US Green Building Council
Christopher Meek Christopher Meek Integrated Design Lab
Stephanie Taylor Stephanie Taylor Building4Health, Inc (B4H)
8:00 am - 1:30 pm Pacific Tower, Seattle, WA

Planning Your Strategy for Smart & Efficient Upgrades

The third and final day of SBX 2023 will be held in-person in Seattle and will feature leaders from Washington State, the City of Seattle, and other industry influencers discussing Washington State’s building performance standards, newly developed City of Seattle building emission standards, innovative financing mechanisms, and tools and resources to help building owners and managers plan, finance, and act to accelerate the pace of change in meeting these state and city requirements. The event is free and includes a buffet-style networking lunch.

Debbie Driscoll Debbie Driscoll Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Patrick Shive Patrick Shive Stillwater Energy
David Mead David Mead PAE Engineers
Ken Duncan Ken Duncan Belimo
Daniel Poppe Daniel Poppe Seattle & Bellevue 2030 Districts
Jason Twill Jason Twill Viridis Initiative
Beth Robinweiler Beth Robinweiler Puget Sound Energy
Rachel Brombaugh Rachel Brombaugh PACE Equity
Sandra Mallory Sandra Mallory Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment.
Emily Salzberg Emily Salzberg Washington State Department of Commerce

All SBX 2023 session recordings are available on the Smart Buildings Center YouTube channel.