David Logsdon

David Logsdon
Seattle City Light
David Logsdon is Seattle City Light’s Director of Electrification and Strategic Technologies. In this role David works with City leaders to achieve the strategic intent of deep decarbonization through electrification, leading the development and implementation of a portfolio of electrification and innovation projects, programs, and partnerships. This includes the implementation of leading-edge technologies and projects including Grid Modernization and emerging technology pilots as key components of Seattle City Light’s objective to promote and facilitate equitable electrification. David previously worked at Con Edison for a decade where he led Product and Service Development, revamping energy efficiency programs and launching new non-wires, electrification, and non-pipeline solutions portfolios.
All Sessions by David Logsdon
Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings as a Utility Resource
Nowadays, aligning electricity supply with demand, maintaining grid reliability while achieving ambitious decarbonization goals is increasingly challenging for utilities for multiple reasons – increased penetration of renewables, phasing out of fossil fuel-based generations, and electrification goals to name a few. Research studies have shown tremendous potential in grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) as an emerging resource to support the utilities. This panel brings together leading voices from utilities and national laboratories on how the new utility-customer relationship is evolving and how demand flexibility in buildings holds the key to utility system reliability and adequacy in the age of decarbonization.
Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings
Continued progress toward the electrification of the built environment creates both a massive challenge and an opportunity for eliminating carbon emissions. The challenge of new loads from electrification on the utility system requires enhanced abilities for shifting, shedding, and modulating those loads to the mutual benefit of the building owner and serving utility. The effort to scale grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) is well underway. What are the risks to all parties in getting this wrong? This session will bring together voices from the nation’s leading national laboratory on GEBs with building owners and service providers who are deploying GEBs strategies in commercial and institutional buildings across the country.