Debbie Driscoll

Debbie Driscoll
Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Debbie leads vision and strategy development for NEEA’s work to transform the Northwest market for greater energy efficiency, focusing on residential and commercial HVAC and commercial buildings. After earning her Electrical Engineering degree from North Carolina State University in 1996, Debbie joined Lawrence Berkeley Lab's Energy Efficient Lighting Research Group and later worked with their Energy Performance Buildings Group. Following her passion for design, she completed her Masters of Engineering in Product Design at Stanford and went on to work in design strategy. Before joining NEEA in 2014, Debbie combined her passions for product innovation and energy efficiency as a manager with Ecova's Research and Policy team, where she helped uncover energy efficiency opportunities across a variety of products. In her free time, she loves enjoying great food and workouts with family and friends.
All Sessions by Debbie Driscoll
Planning Your Strategy for Smart & Efficient Upgrades
Pacific Tower, Seattle, WAThe third and final day of SBX 2023 will be held in-person in Seattle and will feature leaders from Washington State, the City of Seattle, and other industry influencers discussing Washington State’s building performance standards, newly developed City of Seattle building emission standards, innovative financing mechanisms, and tools and resources to help building owners and managers plan, finance, and act to accelerate the pace of change in meeting these state and city requirements. The event is free and includes a buffet-style networking lunch.