Drew Halpern

Drew Halpern
Denver’s Office of Climate Action
Drew Halpern (he/him) brings more nearly 15 years of hands-on project engineering and management experience in the energy and water sectors to his role as Senior Energy Project Manager in Denver’s Office of Climate Action. His work revolves around developing projects and programs to rapidly deploy distributed energy resources, reduce overall site energy use, and collaborate with partners to solve the stickiest decarbonization challenges across the City and County’s municipal facilities. He holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and a Masters in Public Administration with a concentration in Local Government from the University of Colorado - Denver. He has been working for the City and County since January 2022.
All Sessions by Drew Halpern
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Reporting – Losing the Acronym, Improving the Result
ESG reporting is going through a much-needed re-examination in light of the necessity to show real and quantifiable progress in the area of energy performance and carbon emission reductions. This panel will abandon the hyperbole and politics of ESG terminology and focus a conversation on successful reporting metrics for building performance.