Heather Mulligan

Heather Mulligan
Puget Sound Energy
Heather has spent her career working on the deployment of leading edge clean energy technologies, including more than 25 years in solar; and most recently adding transportation electrification to her portfolio. She started her career as a renewable energy policy consultant in Washington DC before going to work for the U.S. Department of Energy in 2000, where she led both the national and regional coordination of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Million Solar Roofs Initiative. In 2006, she transitioned to the utility industry, working for Puget Sound Energy, where she manages PSE’s renewable energy and electric vehicle products& services.
All Sessions by Heather Mulligan
On-Site Renewables & EV Charging
Buildings are changing as they meet the challenge of net zero carbon emissions. Some buildings are positioned to deploy solar arrays and most buildings are and will be adapting to a vehicle fleet that is increasingly electric – and needing to be charged while parked. This session will explore case studies of building owners who are embracing these changes and how smart technologies are helping them with the transition including the huge challenge of integrating EV charging and what it means for electrical service size for electrical and grid-interactive capabilities.