Jean-Simon Venne

Jean-Simon Venne
BrainBox AI
Jean-Simon Venne is a co-founder and CTO of BrainBox AI. As a technology expert specializing in the fast and efficient migration of technological innovations to commercial applications, Jean-Simon has over 25 years of experience developing and implementing new technology to solve long-standing commercial issues in the fields of telecommunications, biotechnology, and energy-efficiency. Prior to joining BrainBox AI, he was responsible for the successful integration of M2M technology in over 200 Smart Buildings across North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Jean-Simon holds a B.Eng. in Industrial Engineering from École Polytechnique de Montréal and a Certificate in Logistics from the University of Georgia Tech.
All Sessions by Jean-Simon Venne
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in Buildings: The Future is Already Here
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are embedding themselves in almost all aspects of our lives -building operations included. Building systems, especially HVAC, are a complicated set of interrelated components reacting to an almost endless stream of dynamic variables, be it weather, occupancy, or space utilization. Historically, it has been a challenge, to say the least, for building operations to optimize system performance in such a dynamic condition. The use of AI/ML is now proving itself as capable of analyzing and acting on this information to drive better building performance. This session will bring together pioneers in this field as well as real building experience in the deployment of AI/ML in the commercial building space.