Kareen Borders

Kareen Borders
West Sound STEM Network
Dr. Kareen Borders is the Executive Director of West Sound STEM Network. She provides oversight of the regional STEM business plan, serves as Principal Investigator on several STEM Education grants, and convenes and supports all Career Connect partners in the region with a focus on expanded career connected learning (CCL) opportunities, especially for those furthest from opportunity. Dr. Borders works with regional partners to communicate STEM legislative priorities and mandates, develops protocols for high-level communication, and cultivates key partnerships that result in sustainable support for major STEM education and workforce development initiatives. Prior to joining West Sound STEM Network, Dr. Borders worked for the United States Department of Education, where she served as an appointee in the Office of Communications and Outreach. In that role, Dr. Borders teamed with the Senior STEM Advisor to collaborate on STEM initiatives and briefs. She conducted analyses of, and recommendations on, Common Core State Standards/College and Career Readiness, STEM, CTE, Tribal outreach and listening tours, and the alignment of state assessment systems. Via speaking engagements, blogs, written communication, and legislative meetings, Dr. Borders communicated policy to education and business leaders, parents, school boards, and universities, as well as local, state, and federal legislators. Dr. Borders taught middle school for 18 years and led professional development in the Peninsula School District. She holds a B.A. degree in Psychology and a B.S. in Biology from the University of California, Irvine. She earned an M.A. in Education and a teaching credential from California Polytechnic State and her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, superintendent credential, and program administrator credential from the University of Washington.
All Sessions by Kareen Borders
Workforce Skill Development for a Smart Building Future
Creating and maintaining a building environment that is healthy, comfortable, and productive for occupants has always been challenging. That challenge is growing exponentially today as building systems become more sophisticated and employee expectations for their indoor environment become a critical component of talent acquisition and retention. These challenges are creating need for new skills and abilities for all who bear the responsibility for making buildings work better. Leading building owner/manager organizations and the Biden administration’s Better Buildings program effort are focusing on the issue of workforce development. This session will bring practitioners from the front lines of workforce development to talk about how training programs are addressing this need from entry level to on-the-job training and how these programs open the door to a more diversified workforce in this important area.