Katrina Morgan

Katrina Morgan
Katrina is a registered architect and Certified Sustainable Building Advisor with 25+ years of experience in the building industry. She began her focus on sustainable design in 2002 in response to the growing demand for sophisticated architecture-based advice to help owners achieve more resource-efficient and effective buildings. Katrina prioritizes cost-effective solutions and is known for her pragmatic approach to high performance design. Katrina is an experienced facilitator and instructor known for her dynamic, inspiring approach. Her facilitation work artfully weaves together her expertise with sustainable design, cultural relevance, Integrative Process, healthy building techniques, a wide variety of rating system options, and alternative funding. As a lead instructor for the Sustainable Building Advisor certificate course, Katrina trained hundreds of professionals in the application of sustainable design strategies and protocols.
All Sessions by Katrina Morgan
Building Rating Systems & Certifications
Several national and international organizations now offer ratings and certifications for the built environment. These systems focus on smart capabilities, wellness, sustainability, energy performance, indoor environmental quality, and even workforce credentialing. If you have wondered whether these systems are the right for your building, this is a session you won’t want to miss. Experts will discuss various ratings and certifications, what they entail, and most importantly how the market is embracing these labels.