Lucie Huang

Lucie Huang
Seattle City Light
Lucie is a PE in WA state, with a BS in mechanical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, and a masters from the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics. She started at Seattle City Light in 2000 in Customer Energy Solutions, assisting commercial customers with energy efficiency upgrades and piloting new technologies. In that role she worked with several large customers including Fred Hutch, Boeing, Unico, and more. She also worked for a short time at the Smart Buildings Center where she designed and built up the Tool Lending Library which has lent hundreds of measurement tools to the NW building community to help identify and design efficiency upgrades. Lucie’s current role at Seattle City Light is in the Electrification and Strategic Technology Division, helping the utility build the grid of the future. She coordinates with internal and external stakeholders in strategic discussions about flexible loads, non-wires solutions and vehicle electrification and charging. She led the utility effort to submit 5 proposals for the DOE GEB Connected Communities grant and has been working with EPRI on a feasibility study of grid-interactive buildings.
All Sessions by Lucie Huang
Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings
Grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEB) are changing the historic relationship between the electric utility and the buildings they serve. Today, utilities face unprecedented challenges -and opportunities – to modernize their infrastructure, eliminate carbon emissions, and remain reliable and resilient, and affordable in their energy services. Creating a smarter and more dynamic two-way communication environment with their customers offers a smart approach to building the 21st century electric utility. GEBs deploy smart technology that allow building operators to shed, shift, and modulate their building loads in response to electric grid reliability, price signals, and operational needs. This will be ever more important as electric vehicle charging becomes more common. Building owners can optimize their operations and their energy costs especially in the emerging trend toward dynamic pricing structures for electricity. This session will bring together expertise from both the utility and the building owner/manager perspective to talk about the value streams inherent in GEBs.