Narjes Abbasabadi

Narjes Abbasabadi
University of Washington
Narjes Abbasabadi, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture at the University of Washington. Dr. Abbasabadi also leads the Sustainable Intelligence Lab. Abbasabadi’s research centers on sustainability and computation in the built environment. Much of her work focuses on advancing design research efforts through developing data-driven methods, workflows, and tools that leverage the advances in digital technologies to enable augmented intelligence in performance-based and human-centered design. With an emphasis on multi-scale exploration, her research investigates urban building energy flows, human systems, and environmental and health impacts across scales—from the scale of building to the scale of neighborhood and city.
All Sessions by Narjes Abbasabadi
Moving Beyond Fault Detection & Diagnostics
Fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) is now rather commonplace across commercial and institutional buildings working to identify abnormal operations of HVAC systems. Where do building managers and operators go from here? This session will offer a stimulating look at the next steps in technology and practice to improve building system performance and longevity. Panelists will detail their work demonstrating how FDD output can be utilized to create data driven maintenance tools that can automatically correct controls hunting faults. The panel will also cover new tools that enable AI technology for autonomous building operations. In addition, this panel will highlight expertise at applying augmented intelligence for performance at both the building and campus scale. Finally, the group will look at developments in ASHRAE Guideline 36, the best practice for high performance sequence of operations. This session is a must for anyone faced with the daily challenge of making building systems work well.