Rachel Brombaugh

Rachel Brombaugh
PACE Equity
Rachel Brombaugh is the Washington State Managing Director for PACE Equity, LLC. PACE Equity is the leading provider of long-term, low-cost, non-recourse capital to commercial building owners and developers through the Property Assessed Clean Energy financing mechanism. Through a public-private partnership, PACE Equity funds the costs to modernize and decarbonize existing or new commercial buildings.
Prior to joining PACE Equity, Rachel was the Director of Climate and Energy Initiatives for King County Executive Dow Constantine, leading a broad suite of policies and programs to reduce emissions, lead with climate justice, and prepare communities for the impacts of climate change. In this role, Rachel developed and administered the King County C-PACER program. Earlier in her career, Rachel developed expertise in energy efficiency finance as Finance Manager in McKinstry’s Energy Services Division. A long-time advocate for a low-carbon economy in the Pacific Northwest, Rachel has been active in policy at the state and local level, and was a board member for Spark Northwest and the Seattle 2030 District. She holds a BA from Stanford University, and a MBA from the University of Washington Foster School of Business.
All Sessions by Rachel Brombaugh
Day 3 August 17, 2023
8:00 am - 1:30 pm
Planning Your Strategy for Smart & Efficient Upgrades
Pacific Tower, Seattle, WAThe third and final day of SBX 2023 will be held in-person in Seattle and will feature leaders from Washington State, the City of Seattle, and other industry influencers discussing Washington State’s building performance standards, newly developed City of Seattle building emission standards, innovative financing mechanisms, and tools and resources to help building owners and managers plan, finance, and act to accelerate the pace of change in meeting these state and city requirements. The event is free and includes a buffet-style networking lunch.