Ross MacWhinney

Ross MacWhinney
NYC Mayor's Office of Climate & Environmental Justice
Ross has over 15 years of experience in climate change mitigation and was a key architect of NYC's Local Law 97, which caps GHG emissions in large buildings. He has expertise in climate policy development, data science, building energy efficiency, climate action planning, greenhouse gas accounting, carbon offset project verification, and carbon markets. Ross is a Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) & LEED GA and has a Masters Degrees in Environmental Science and Policy and Urban Informatics (Data Science) and a Bachelors Degree in Information and Decision Systems.
All Sessions by Ross MacWhinney
Building Performance Reporting – How Smart Technology Can Help
In-person event in Seattle, WA (live streamed for remote viewing)Market and regulatory drivers are making energy performance reporting and ESG reporting real for building owners and publicly traded companies. This session will show how smart technologies can facilitate reporting and make it more quantitively robust. Additional programming will be available after this session in many areas. More details are forthcoming.