Stan Price

Stan Price
Smart Buildings Center
Stan Price has over four decades of experience in the design and management of resource efficiency programs. He has worked with public, private, and not-for-profit organizations helping them achieve their efficiency goals. He previously served as the executive director of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Council, a trade association representing businesses that provide energy efficient products and services to the Northwest marketplace. He helped found the Smart Buildings Center in 2014. Formerly, Stan was an Assistant Director of the Washington State Energy Office and has held management and teaching positions at both Seattle University and Washington State University. He has served as the Chair of the Washington State Building Code Council, a founding Board member of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, and a convening committee member forming the Energy Trust of Oregon. He has served on numerous utility and governmental advisory committees, a Board member of the Seattle 2030 District, and previously served as Co-chair of Seattle City Light’s Review Panel. He is a graduate of Indiana University and the University of Colorado.
All Sessions by Stan Price
Deriving Value from a Smarter Grid-interactive Building
The traditional relationship between the energy utility and the building owner/operator is changing. “Smart” technology ranging from more elaborate and capable sensor networks, the analytical tools to do something with these data streams, more robust fault detection systems, all the way to artificial intelligence controls technology open a new era in operational efficiency opportunity. In parallel, two-way dynamic communication capabilities with the serving utility leverage these same set of innovations that benefit a rapidly changing set of conditions for managing a utility system. The utility case for this grid-interactive building condition is increasingly clear. But what is the value proposition for those who own and operate buildings to re-structure their utility relationship? This session will explore the business case for smart grid-interactive buildings from the owner/operator perspective. Expert voices will expand this value discussion far beyond the typical energy cost framework and highlight areas ranging from electric vehicle charging to building resiliency to building use flexibility in a post-pandemic world.
Post-Covid Occupancy: A Data Driven Approach to Indoor Air Quality
As organizations re-occupy their buildings post-Covid, they do so with a renewed focus on their indoor environments and how indoor air quality affects building occupants. Building owners and operators want to achieve healthy building objectives with a sustainable, measurable, and actionable strategy for indoor air quality. An expert panel will discuss best practices for IAQ data collection and utilization to monitor, improve, verify, and certify indoor air quality performance. This is a must hear conversation for commercial and institutional real estate organizations who want a smart approach to post-Covid occupancy of buildings.
Virtual Building Tour
This is not your standard building walk-through tour! Come explore the emerging reality of the digital twin building technology presented by Willow, one of the world’s leading companies in digital twin technology. As landlords, occupiers and governments are reconfiguring their investment priorities for physical assets in a post-Covid environment, digital twins are enabling them to maximize investments and extend the life of buildings. Willow is deploying this technology at a building in NYC and this session will give you an inside look into this asset’s digital twin.