Ted Stadtmueller

Ted Stadtmueller
Longevity Partners
Ted Stadtmueller joined Longevity Partners in 2022 as a Business Development lead to open Longevity-Partner’s Seattle office and lead our west coast expansion after seeing the opportunity to drive change in the built environment. He has over eight years of natural resource and program management experience in the private and public sectors. During that time, he focused on sustainable water resource management, habitat restoration, and sustainable small forest landowner practices for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, a confidential entity, and the United Nations. Ted holds a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences from Oregon State University and an MBA with a finance concentration from Johns Hopkins.
All Sessions by Ted Stadtmueller
Building Performance Reporting – How Smart Technology Can Help
In-person event in Seattle, WA (live streamed for remote viewing)Market and regulatory drivers are making energy performance reporting and ESG reporting real for building owners and publicly traded companies. This session will show how smart technologies can facilitate reporting and make it more quantitively robust. Additional programming will be available after this session in many areas. More details are forthcoming.